Column identifiers#
Description of the used columns names in PedPy.
- ACC_COL = acceleration#
- A_X_COL = a_x#
- A_Y_COL = a_y#
- COUNT_COL = num_peds#
- CROSSING_FRAME_COL = crossing_frame#
- CUMULATED_COL = cumulative_pedestrians#
- DENSITY_COL = density#
- DENSITY_SP1_COL = p_sp+1#
- DENSITY_SP2_COL = p_sp-1#
- DISTANCE_COL = distance#
- END_POSITION_COL = end_position#
- FIRST_FRAME_COL = entering_frame#
- FLOW_COL = flow#
- FLOW_SP1_COL = j_sp+1#
- FLOW_SP2_COL = j_sp-1#
- FRAME_COL = frame#
- ID_COL = id#
- INTERSECTION_COL = intersection#
- LAST_FRAME_COL = leaving_frame#
- MEAN_SPEED_COL = mean_speed#
- MID_FRAME_COL = mid_frame#
- MID_POSITION_COL = mid_position#
- NEIGHBORS_COL = neighbors#
- POINT_COL = point#
- POLYGON_COL = polygon#
- SPECIES_COL = species#
- SPEED_COL = speed#
- SPEED_SP1_COL = s_sp+1#
- SPEED_SP2_COL = s_sp-1#
- START_POSITION_COL = start_position#
- TIME_COL = time#
- V_X_COL = v_x#
- V_Y_COL = v_y#
- WINDOW_SIZE_COL = window_size#
- X_COL = x#
- Y_COL = y#