Version 1.3.0 (2025-02-02)#
New feature:
Continuity equation and fundamental diagram of pedestrians [1] describes a new approach to compute the fundamental diagram for pedestrian dynamics. This approach uses Voronoi decomposition to allow defintiions of density, speed and flow on the basis of trajectories in accordance with the continuity equation. It also enables measurement along a line, handling different motion directions without losing velocity sign.
How to use the new method is shown in the following Jupyter-Notebook: Fundamental Diagrams at Measurement Line

Left: Voronoi decomposition, Voronoi cells which intersect with the measurement line are indicated by color. Right: Voronoi decomposition, Red and blue indicate the main movememnt direction.#
Version 1.2.0 (2024-09-27)#
New features:
New speed profile method: Gauss
New spatial analysis method: Pair distribution function
New core measurement method: Acceleration
- Improve plotting:
In distance-line plots, the line can be colored in the speed of the pedestrian
What’s changed:
Improve plotting
Column identifiers are now exposed at top-level, e.g., can be imported with
from pedpy import *
Fix bug in
, returning the frame a pedestrian may stand on line- Improve documentation:
Fix in developer guide
Fix data types not displayed correctly in some parts of documentation
Restructure methods page and add new category names
Add details about the Well-Known-Text (WKT) format
General minor documentation fixes and improvements
Version 1.1.3 (2024-08-30)#
Distance to time plot, now show the correct time
Version 1.1.2 (2024-06-16)#
Improve documentation: Show BibTeX for citation from Zenodo metadata (also for stable)
Version 1.1.1 (2024-06-12)#
- Improve plotting of polygons:
Fill color of polygons does not show outside of the borders when using narraw
No gaps at the last point of the polygon boundary
Improve documentation: Show BibTeX for citation from Zenodo metadata
Version 1.1.0 (2024-03-13)#
New features:
- Add loading functions for different datatypes:
JuPedSim trajectory file
Viswalk trajectory file
Pedestrian Dynamics Data Archive HDF5 file
- Improve profile computations:
Introduce separate function to compute speed and density profiles
Add classic and Gaussian density profile computation
Add mean speed profile computation
- Improve trajectory data:
Make trajectory data sliceable by frames:
Expose metadata as bounds, number pedestrians and frame range
What’s changed:
Nightly builds will no longer be uploaded to test-PyPI
kwagrs now passed from plotting functions to matplotlib backend
as base for geometriesAdd support for Python 3.12
Functions are now exposed at top-level, e.g., can be imported with
from pedpy import *
Correct automatic computation of vmin and vmax when plotting profiles
Use correct escape depending in plot label
Improve documentation
Version 1.0.2 (2023-10-12)#
What’s changed:
Make color map in plot_voronoi_cells adjustable
Fix future warnings from Pandas
Fix bug, when plotting multiple density distributions in subplots
Version 1.0.1 (2023-10-04)#
Add correct doi badge to documentation and readme
Version 1.0.0 (2023-09-22)#
First release of PedPy.